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Bee hive plans beekeeping how to honey wax apiary on cd

Everything you ever wanted to know about raising Bees, harvesting Honey and making products with Bee's Wax can be found on this CD.
7 Beehive and Equipment Blueprints/Plans listed below.
1. 5 and 6 Deep Brood Bee Hive, Wood Cutting List.
2. 22in. Beehive and Frame, Plywood.
4. Honey Extractor, 1x3, Hand Crank.
5. Honeycomb Uncapping Tank, Super Dumping Board, Material List.
7. Honey Bee Storage Cellar, 14x22x7, Reinf. Concrete, Below Ground.
Many more bee hive and apiary plans can be found in the Books below that are also included on this CD.
1. A Manual: or an Easy Method of Managing Bees in the most Profitable Manner To The Owner with Infallible Rules to Prevent Their Destruction by the Moth. John M. Weeks - 1837 - 78 pages.
2. American Honey Plants - Together With Those Which Are of Special Value to the Bee Keeper As Sources of Pollen. 155 Illustrations. - Frank C. Pellett - 1920 - 312 pages.
3. Beehives and Bee Keepers' Appliances - with numerous Engravings and Diagrams. - Paul N. Hasluck - 1911 - 166 pages.
4. Bee Keeping in the South - A Handbook on Seasons, Methods and Honey Flora of the Fifteen Southern States - Kennith Hawkins - 1920 - 136 pages.
5. Bees for Pleasure And Profit - A Guide to the Manipulation of Bees, The Production of Honey and the General Management of the Apiary. G. Gordon Samson - 1921 - 160 pages.
6. Bees, Their Habits, Management and Treatment - Rev. J.G. Wood - 1860 - 138 pages.
7. Bees Wax: Its Economical Uses and Conversion into Money - J. Dennler - 1889 - 24 pages.
8. Beginner's Bee Book - In writing this book the author has answered such questions as are put to him in the hundreds of letters that come to his desk from every part of our country and from many foreign lands. There is a constantly increasing interest in beekeeping. Men and women in large numbers are looking to beekeeping as a possible source of livelihood, while others find an interesting diversion from routine duties with a few colonies of bees. The novice wants a book that covers the fundamental without going too much into detail regarding the various systems of honey production. - Illustrated - Frank C. Pellett - 1919 - 190 pages.
9. Dadant System of Beekeeping - Illustrated - C.P. Dadant - 1920 - 140 pages.
10. Fifty Years Among the Bees - Illustrated - Dr. C.C. Miller - 1911 - 364 pages.
11. Scientific Papers - Genus-Group of Bees and Supplemental Family-Group Names - University of Kansas - 1997 - 86 pages.
12. How to Keep Bees - A Handbook for the use of Beginners - This book has been prepared especially to meet the needs of the beginner in bee-keeping. It is not intended to be a complete treatise for the professional Apiarist, but rather a handbook for those who keep bees for happiness and honey, and incidentally for money. It is hoped, too, that it will serve as an introduction to the more extended manuals already in the field. - Illustrated - Anna Botsford Comstock, B.S. - 1905 - 284 pages.
13. How to Keep Bees For Profit - Illustrated - D. Everett Lyon, Ph.D. - 1920 - 384 pages.
14. How to Produce Extracted Honey - Illustrated - A.I. Root - 1904 - 36 pages.
15. Langsthroth on the Hive and Honey Bee - Illustrated - L.L. Langsthroth - 1919 - 650 pages.
16. Practical Queen Rearing - Frank C. Pellett - 1918 - 116 pages.
17. Producing, Preparing, Exhibiting, & Judging Bee Produce. - Illustrated - William Herrod, F.E.S. - 1912 - 194 pages.
18. Productive Bee-Keeping - Modern Methods of Production and Marketing of Honey - Frank C. Pellett - 1918 - 330 pages.
19. Southern Bee Culture - J.J. Wilder - 1908 - 174 pages.
20. The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture - A Cyclopedia of Everything Pertaining to the Care of the Honey-bee; Bees, Hives, Honey, Implements, Honey-plants, etc. Facts Gleaned from the Experience of Thousands of Bee-keepers, and Afterward Verified in Our Apiary. - A.I. Root & E.R. Root - 1910 - 598 pages.
21. The Bee-Keeper's Directory, on the Theory and Practice of Bee Culture, In all its Departments, The Result of Eighteen Years Personal Study of Their Habits and instincts. - J.S. Harbison - 1861 - 532 pages.
22. The Bee-Keeper's Guide or Manual of the Apiary - A.J. Cook - 1902 - 558 pages.
23. The Bee-Master of Warrilow - Tickner Edwardes - 1907 - 90 pages.
24. The Embryology of the Honey Bee - "Preface... The good bee keeper is he who is interested not only in those things which have to do directly with the production of honey but to whom everything pertaining to honey bees has a deep interest. This is shown by the fact that the anatomy of the adult bee has been much studied by practical bee keepers. Aside from the fact that from the egg there emerges in three days a small white larva, no knowledge of the wonderful changes which occur in that small compass is available, while in comparison with the changes which occur, the rather fixed structure of the adult insect seems simple...". - James Allen Nelson, Ph.D. - 1915 - 312 pages.
25. The First Book of Bees - Albert B. Tibbets - 1952 - 76 pages.
26. The Honey-Bee; Its Natural History, Physiology and Management - Edward Bevan, M.D. - 1827 - 444 pages.
27. The Honey-Bee: Its Nature, Homes and Products - W.H. Harris, B.A., B.Sc. - 1884 - 298 pages.
28. The Honey = Money Stories - Orvice Sisson - 1905 - 72 pages.
29. The Truth About Sweet Clover - Its Value for Honey... - A.I. Root - 1910 - 106 pages.
30. Wax Craft - The History of Bees-wax and its Commercial Value. - T.W. cowan - 1908 - 208 pages.
This CD has all the information you need to get started in Beekeeping!

Bee hive plans beekeeping how to honey wax apiary on cd